Saturday 1 September 2018

NUTRITION 101 : The complete guide to Diet

You want to set your own diet but you don't know where to start? You feel overwhelmed by the amount of information thrown around in internet and social media? Well I am about to give you a quick simple guide that will introduce you to the basics of sports nutrition and help you get a hang of your diet.
First of all each food has a macronutrient profile and a micronutrient profile , macronutrients are what contributes to the caloric content of a certain food while micronutrients are the vitamins and minerals existing in certain foods. While there is a lot of  micronutrients we only have 3 macronutrients : proteins , fats and carbohydrates. In this post we will introduce you to each macronutrient , its role and how much to consume from it .


Protein is the most important macronutrient when it come to muscle building and fat loss because muscles are made of protein and without a sufficient protein intake we will not be able to build the body of our dreams. Here is a little geek science about protein:
Amino acids make up the “building blocks” of proteins. When we consume dietary protein, it is broken down into amino acids that are small enough to cross the intestinal walls and enter our bloodstream. Amino acids are taken from the bloodstream to be used in the formation of new cells. This process is always ongoing in the body. For this process to occur most effectively, all 21 amino acids must be present in the bloodstream and that is why I always recommend to vary your sources of protein intake so you get a sufficient amounts of each amino acid.
As far as protein recommendation I would say somewhere between 0.8 to 1 gram per lbs of bodyweight is a good place to start and here is a quick list of my favourite protein sources for muscle building and fat loss:

1-Chicken breast:Bodybuilders favourite source , it is high in protein low in fat and calories and it tastes good which make it perfect especially during dieting periods where calories count matter that much.

2-whole Eggs: The best natural protein source ,period, eggs have a high net utilization (94) which means you body is able to use most of its protein, and in addition to their protein content they are also a source of healthy fats

3-Egg withes: When pasteurised, they are a quick way to add protein to your meals and shakes without the addition of carbohydrate and fat , they are especially valuable during dieting periods.

4-Lean beef : Arnold’s favourite protein source and it is loaded with muscle building creatine and slowly digesting proteins. However ,always opt for lean options.

5-Turkey breast : Great source of tryptophan aka the sleep amino acid so it is a good way to get your protein in and relax your body , think of sleepy feeling after  thanksgiving dinner

6-Whey protein :If you want to buy it it  is the best muscle building protein , it is quickly digestable with a net utilization of 100 and it contain all the necessary amino acids.

7-Greek yogurt: A great tasty way to add in protein to your diet , want to make things interesting, mix it with a flavored protein powder and make your own protein rich dessert.


Carbs probably are the most miunderstood macronutrients because of the high amount of conflicts about them , some experts say that carbs are essential macronutrients to build muscle and lose fat and they should be the bulk of your diet  while others say that you dont need them at all .
Carbohydrates are broken down in polysaccharides, disaccharides, and monosaccharides. These names tell you about the length of the “carbohydrate chain” , and exactly how long it will take it  to breakdown before it enters the bloodstream. Poly- means many. Therefore many parts to this chain. It will take more time to break down and enter the blood. Di- means two. Mono-means one. Once these sugars enter the blood stream, all carbohydrates are equal, they can only be in the form of glycogen, or glucose(sugars most simple form).
Carbs are the number one and preferred source of energy for the body  and but that doesn’t mean it is the best one for physique related goals especially fat loss because most of the people have a poor insulin sensitivity and their bodies aren’t that good at utilising carbohydrate for energy so when eaten in excess most of it will be stored into bodyfat .
 That will bring the question of “ how much carbohydrate do we need?”,well that is not a simple question to answer because it depends on many factors like your age, your bodyfat percentage, your insulin sensitivity and your activity level. A good rule of thumb is to consume around 1 gram per lbs of bodyweight during cutting period and never exceed 2.5 gram of carbs per lbs when bulking to avoid unnecessary fat gain and it is a mistake I made myself back in the day when I was consuming +500 grams of carbs daily in order to add maximal muscle mass and trust me guys it didn’t end up well.
In terms of what carbohydrates sources are best I would generally recommend complex carbs most of the time with the post workout meal being the exception because at that time your body need a quick energy source to replenish its glycogen stores. Here is a quick list of my top choices:

1-Quinoa: My favourite source , it is packed with fibers and calcium and rich in protein.

2-With rice : It has a high glycemic index and it is absorbed quickly by the body which make it perfect for post workout meals.

3-Oats: All top bodybuilders and fitness competitors eat them and so should you because they loaded with vitamins and fibers.

4-Sweet potatoes: Very rich in fiber and they offer great anti-inflammatory properties

5-Fruits and veggies : Those should be in your diet plan if you care about your health especially vegetables they are high in fiber  low in calories and loaded with vitamins and minerals.


The most mislabeled macronutrients,during the 80’s and the 90’s fats were considered evil by the mainstream media and they were blamed for the majority of health problems , but recently they gained their way back especially with the keto diet who happen to be the most trendy diet of nowadays.
Fats are the building blocks of many hormones in the body including the infamous muscle building hormone “testesterone” .They help to lubricate cells and keep the brain and nervous system functioning optimally. Essential for muscle function, hair/skin/nails production and maintenance.
Fats are nutrient dense and are higher in calories per gram (9 cals/gram) than protein and carbs (4 cals/gram).
We have 3 types of fats: saturated , mono-insaturated and poly-insaturated.Each of which have an essential role in the body.
My favourite fat sources that I think will help you to reach your fitness and health goals are :

1-Walnut: rich in fibers and b vitamins and one of the best plant sources of protein .They also have significant omega 3 content.

2-Almonds: Loaded with vitamin E.

3-Coconut oil : Best oil for cooking and it is know for its MCT content, so if you want some energy to fuel your workout but don’t want to go the carb way take some coconut oil.

4-Olive oil: Great source of mono-insaturated fats.

5-Fish oil: Very rich in omega 3s which are not only beneficial to your body but they are essentiall for optimal health and body composition.

Here you have it guys ,please if you like the content and find helpful like and share it with your friends.

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