Thursday, 6 September 2018

Full Body Workouts for Strength , Muscle Gain and Fat Loss

Ok I know that in the last blog I bored the hell out of you with all those informations about the Full Body Workout split so as I promise here are some full body workouts that will take your physique to the next level.

Ps: they are really hard workouts so buckle up and get ready to do some work.
Each workout will be better suited to certain goals even though they are all good workouts for all goals . First , let’s start with strength oriented plan that I am sure most of you heard of :

Strength Gain: The 5×5 Workout

An old but gold strength and muscle building staple , very suitable for both beginners and experiences lifters and it will add weights to the bar very quick:

Monday: Workout 1

A- Barbell squat: 5 sets of 5 reps
2 min rest between sets
B- Bench press:: 5 sets of 5 reps
2 min rest between sets
C- Barbell deadlift : 5 sets of 5
2 min rest between sets
D- Pull ups(do the  weighted if you can do more then 6 reps with your bodyweight): 5 sets of 5 reps
2 min rest between sets
E- Barbell curl : 5 sets of 5 reps
2 min rest between sets

Wednesday: Workout 2

A-Barbell front squat: 5 sets of 5 reps
2 min rest between sets
B-Military press: 5 sets of 5 reps
2 min rest between sets
C-Barbell romanian deadlift : 5 sets of 5
2 min rest between sets
D-Bent over barbell row: 5 sets of 5 reps
2 min rest between sets
E-Close grip bench press: 5 sets of 5
2 min rest between sets

Friday: Workout 3

A-Barbell front squat: 5 sets of 5 reps
2 min rest between sets
B-Military press: 5 sets of 5 reps
2 min rest between sets
C-Barbell romanian deadlift : 5 sets of 5
2 min rest between sets
D-Bent over barbell row: 5 sets of 5 reps
2 min rest between sets
E-Close grip bench press: 5 sets of 5
2 min rest between sets

2- Muscle Building: Arnold’s Golden Six

Okey here is an inspired workout from everyone’s favourite bodybuilder mr arnold schwareneger , this a workout that arnold used to do before coming to america :

A-Barbell squat: 4 sets of 10 reps
B-Wide-grip barbell bench press: 3 sets of 10 reps
C-Chin-up:   3 sets of amap ( as many as possible)
D-Behind-the-neck overhead press: 4 sets of 10 reps
E-Barbell curl: 3 sets of 10 reps
F-Bent knee sit-up: 4 sets until failure

Now you will repeat this workout 2 more times during the week and watch out for some old school muscle gain.

3-  Fat Loss: the Calorie Frying Whole Body Workout

Here is a one you are going to hate but will love its results , it is a workout I designed based on the scheme of the german body comp workout by legendary coach mr charles poliquin, the idea is to alternate between an upper and a lower body exercise with minimum rest which will skyrocket your heart rate throught the roof and increase lactic acid production all over your body which will  increase your natural growth hormone levels by much , sounds cool  right? Yes it is and I can testify myself for the fat burning power of this plan , it is almost unbelievable.

Here is a workout to try next time you are trying to quickly lose some fat :

A1-Dumbell squat : 12-15 reps
20 sec rest
A2-Dumbell bench press: 12-15 reps

Alternate between a1 and a2 without an actual rest beside the 20 sec then directly move to the next pair

B1-Dumbell romanian deadlift: 12-15 reps
Rest 20 sec
B2-Bent over dumbbell row

Alternate between b1 and b2 without an actual rest beside the 20 sec then directly move to the next pair

C1- Standing overhead dumbbell press : 15-20 reps
Rest 20 sec
C2- Leg press: 15-20 reps

Alternate between c1 and c2 without an actual rest beside the 20 sec then directly move to the next pair

D1- Preacher curls : 12-15 reps
Rest 20 sec
D2- Standing french press : 12-15 reps

Alternate between d1 and d2 without an actual rest beside the 20 sec then directly move to the next pair.

By now you should be swimming in your own sweat and your heart rate is about to explode from your chest , you might even start wondering if it is worth it , but don’t worry I guarantee you it is because this workout will melt body fat from your body like nothing else. 

Repeat this workout two more times in the same week but try to change the exercises with similar ones , like incline dumbell bench press instead the regular dumbell bech press to avoid local fatigue and hit as many muscle fibers as possible.

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