While most people think of bodyweight exercices as warm up exercices, those exercices are actually key exercices especially in weight loss plans because they offer lots of benefits like increasing the heart rate,work multiple muscles at the same time and they are easier on the joints so let's go discover the best ones for ripping of that ugly fat :
Everyone know burpees and everyone hate them , but hey they will get you in shape like no other exercise. Burpees burn an average of 1.5 calories per rep which is a huge , let me make a little comparison here : if you do 100 burpees you will burn 150 calories which is the same ammount you wil burn in jogging for 15 min with 6min/km speed so if you dont want to hit the road or the weather doesnt allow you to but you still want some fat burn do burpees.
2-mountain climbers:
Mountain climbers is another awsome fat burning exercise , it raise your heart rate dramitically and it will work your core and hip flexors as an added bonus and they require very little space to be performed.
3-alternating jumping lunges:
Want to feel your muscle working , you love that burning feeling you get from exercise look no further amigo, alternating jumping lunges will set your legs and lunges on fire and will lead to a huge lactic acid and growth hormone spike and if you never heard about growth hormone it what pro bodybuilding and fitness competitors use to get peeled. Honestly, it is one of my favourite exercices and it will help you burn fat increase athlecism and add some definition to your legs.Bingo
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