Thursday 30 August 2018

Best at home muscle building exercices

Wait at home muscle building exercises! but i heard you need to hit the gym to gain muscle,wrong, despite what fitness magaines led you to believe you can gain muscle and a good amount of muscle using just your bodyweight especially if you are a total beginner i mean look at guys like Hannibal for king or Chris Heria, these dudes are jacked and they do just bodyweight stuff.So let's take a look at the best at home muscle building exercises:
1-Push ups:

Good old Push ups, they are one of the best chest exercises even better then some weight exercises especially when done right they will give you a massive chest muscles and they will work your triceps and anterior delts as a bonus. The key with push ups is full range of motion and time under tension.when i look at people doing push ups most of them go up quickly and never stretch their chest muscle , to really feel the exercise your chest need to reach the ground not 3 inches above so that is the number one key to consider when implementing push ups into your muscle building routine.
the second key is time under tension , don't do those speed reps , try to go slowly with at least 2 seconds down then explode up and try to make each set last at least 40 second  and trust me it will not be easy .But what if you are a well trained individual who want more advanced versions, well you can then move to more advanced progressions like the decline push up or the clap push up and here is a little guide to know where to start:
-Level 1: Knee push ups:once you can hit 12 reps comfortably move to the next variation
-Level 2: Push ups:once you can hit 20 reps comfortably move to the next variation
-Level 3: decline push ups:once you can hit 12 reps comfortably move to the next variation
-Level 4: clapping push ups:once you can hit 8 reps comfortably move to the next variation
-Level 5: Uneven push ups where you rest one hand on a medicine ball or a box:
once you can hit 8 reps comfortably move to the next variation
-Level 6: One arm push ups
and trust me it will take you long to do 40 seconds of one arm push ups so drop the push up is easy talk and start building your chest.

2-Pull ups:

The King of bodyweight  upper body exercises and the barbell squat of the upper body because it nearly target the majority of your upper body musculature from lats and rhomboids to both heads of the biceps and the upper chest as well so yes it is a complete exercise that will assist you in your attempt of muscle building. i know this supposed to require no equipment by hey you can get one pull up bar for less then 20 dollars online or you can simply hang from your door ceiling.
For Pull ups your reps should be from 8-15 reps to elicit maximum hypertrophy .
-Level 1: Hanging Pull ups : just hang from the bar to help build some grip strength so you are able to do Pull ups,  try at least to be able to hang for 20 seconds before moving to the next progression.
-Level 2: Negative Pull ups: jump to the bar and try to lower yourself slowly the let the bar and jump again and that will help build your strength . you must hit at least 10 reps before attempting your first Pull up
-Level 3: Pull ups

3-Handstand Push ups:

It is like doing a military press with your own bodyweight expect it is less straining for your spine and it looks pretty bad ass. seriously if you can perform this move you will have impressive shoulders even if you didn't step a foot in the gym so you have no excuse to build some meat on those shoulders which will help improve your V taper look and make you look more jacked. Again, most people will not be able to do these move from the start so here is a quick progression model you can follow:
-Level 1:Pike Push ups: once you can hit 12 reps comfortably move to the next variation
-Level 2: Incline Pike Push ups:once you can hit 12 reps comfortably move to the next variation
-Level 3: Wall handstands Push ups :once you can hit 12 reps comfortably move to the next variation
-level 4: Handstand Push ups
4-Pistol squats:

Of course no muscle building plan will be complete without some leg work in it and Pistol squats will take care of that , they will work your quads, hamstrings and even your calves in addition to strengthen your core. Pistol squats are a hardcore move and it require huge amount of strength and balance and being able to rep it will make your legs grow from the comfort of your home and if you cant perform them yet here is a progression model to help you get there fast:
-Level 1 : Bodyweight squat: once you hit 30 reps you are ready to move to the next variation
-Level 2: Bulgarian split squat;once you can hit 12 reps per leg comfortably move to the next variation
-Level 3: Jumping squat:once you can hit 15 reps comfortably move to the next variation
-Level 4: deficit Pistol squat:once you can hit 6 reps you are ready to attempt your first Pistol squat
level 5: Pistol squats
5-Hollow holds:

You cant have a strong body without a strong core ,and while the exercises above will work your core you still need some specific ab and core work if you want to show off a ripped six pack and these classic gymnastic staple is your best bet , it will get your core stronger and it will stimulate hypertrophy in you abdominal muscles.
start with sets of 10 sec hold and work your way to a 60 and even 120 sec hold if you an absolute beast.

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