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Thursday 13 September 2018

Should Women Lift weights : Women and Strength Training

Should women ever lift weights ? Wouldn’t  it make them big and bulky ?

No it won’t and to save you the  time  of reading the article : yes women should lift weights , actually they must lift weight , so if you came here to know the answer you have it but if you want to know why they should and the facts to debunk this myth about women and strength training then keep reading.

 Since long ago big muscular men and strength training bonded together quite well  which led people to believe that strength training is exlusive for men and if women would attempt it it would make them big and bulky.

All of that pushed away most of women from the weight room in the fear of losing their feminine side , which in reality is far away from the truth and people teaching those ideas have no studies or scientific literature to back up their claimes, also no real life experiences to do so because simply the statement isn’t true.

Luckily , for the bit informed of us we do know that the increase in strength can be associated with neural factors as well as muscular factors,what that mean in plain English is that just because  a women gains a lot of strength doesn’t mean that she’ll look like jay cutler with hooters. And let me tell you the reason why this is not gonna happen:

- women have much lower testosterone levels than their male counterparts ( roughly around 10 times less than the average male) and testosterone my friends is the hormone responsible for the increase of protein synthesis inside the muscle cells and the gain of size. So technically speaking , women have 10 times less chance to build muscle mass than their male counterparts.

 And if you have been around gyms for a while you will already notice that men themselves are struggling with adding tiny bits of muscle mass to their frames so I think it would make sense to say women are less likely to get big.

Men usually gain between 15-30 lbs of lean muscle mass in their first year of training , while women will approximately gain between 7-12 lbs of lean muscle in their first year , after that they may be able to add between 2-3 lbs per year if they are lucky enough , also we all can agree that every women will look better if she add 10 lbs of lean muscle to her frame , especially if they happen to settle on certain areas of the body , and am talking about the  legs and hips area , she certainly will have a noticeable visual change that will make her much more attractive.

Now , that we debunked the myth that strength training will make women big and bulky let’s talk about the benefits that strength training  has to offer to women , beside making them sexier.
I personally believe that neural factors in women beginner trainees  are lower than their male counterparts and that is most likely due to the fact that males tend to be more active in their younger adult years. But you may think about that as a disadvantage while in reality it is quite the opposite since women tend to develop that quality to a greater extent and thus making faster strength gains. And I will quote famous fitness trainer Jennifer Bloomquist when she was asked about the fact that women can gain strength at a faster rate then males “ I found this to be true , especially when the women get passed the “ I don’t want to get huge” mindset and they finally give it their all.”

Also I like to debunk another myth where some trainers claim that women are more prone to injury then males , which is not true unless we are talking about female sport athletes which is somewhat true but not because they are just women, no it is mostly because they train less in their off season compared to their male counterpart , so it really have nothing to do with women and why they should not strength train , actually strength training will strengthen their muscle tendons and make them less prone to injuries in and outside the gym.

Also , before I forget let me present you with the benefits of strength training for women :

1- Reduced Risk of Osteoporosis As Women Ages: If you are not familiar with those , they are a condition where bones start to lose their density and become weak and they may break from a little fall , sometimes even from sneezing or little bumps in severe cases which is no fun. What strength training will do is that it will increase your bone density and keep it from falling as you age so you keep your bones strong and happy and you stay away from wheelchairs. An offer you want to take I assume , right?

2-reduced Risk of Sport Injuries: We kinda talked about that but I like to insist on it because it is really important to strength train if you are a female athlete because a women who is involved in sports will have a much lower chance of getting injured if she trains seriously at the gym.

3- Change in Body Composition : Strength training  will dramatically change your body composition , you will add some muscle and get rid of that cardio bunny look , and also you will be able to maintain a good level of bodyfat because muscle burn calories , and even though you will not burn an extra 50 calories par day for each lb of muscle you gain as you might hear around the fitness word , you will increase your RMR  significantly.

4- You Will Have More Strength to Use in Your Daily Life : I mean you will be able to lift stuff , move things around the house by yourself and you will not need the help of your neighbours. So if you want to be a truly free independent women you have to strength train so you no longer rely on people for your daily chores.

5- Increased Levels of Confidence and Self Esteem : I mean when you look good you will feel good  , and having a firm round butt with a nice toned legs is surely good looking. I mean lets not kid ourselves , Victoria secret models aren’t a trend anymore, people just got sick of this skinny skeleton models , men love curves let me tell you and they think it looks good , now a properly developed glutes with a nice set of legs and you are way ahead of all other girls. Just quite the treadmill and go do some squats , okey.

I hope by now you are convinced that as a women you should strength train and make it a priority on your go to workout list.

 In the next instalment we will talk about how women should strength train because even though that there isn’t a lot o difference overall there are still a few adjustments that need to be made so we are able to  design a training program that take advantage of women qualities and limit unnecessary strain on the body , just don’t expect me to tell you to lift those light pink dumbbells because I won’t because here at the fitness coach we love women and we consider them as   equally  strong as males and our job is to help them reach their true potential and put aside all society expectations and myths.

Until then I hope you enjoyed reading this article and I hope that I explained the facts in a good manner and next time we will put things in action. Stay tuned.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

The Best Muscle Building Workout Plan

Push pull legs is my favourite split for muscle building , I am sure you already figured that out from the last article. And I hope my friends you too are convinced that giving up on your bodypart bro split might be the right thing to do if you want to break through a muscle building plateau and reach a new high. Too good to be true? Trust me it is not , I mean this split works like magic and that is why today I want to share with you the exact same workout that I used and that helped me add a consistent amount of lean muscle mass on a weekly basis beside being in the iron game for over 7 years.

I even thought that I will never add more lean mass and that I am already at genetic peak , which is a bit of a low peak I would say , but even with those shitty genetic I have I made gains and I added weights to the bar in every single one of the  big lifts, so yeah this shit does work.
This routine will be split into two microcycles , microcycle one is day 1 to 3 and this days will be the days of your heavy movement where you may need to bring your big boy pants and attack them weights like a wild beast.

Day 4 will be an optional rest day , but if you feel like you are up for some action , you will be doing a HIIT  workout to keep your cardiovascular health happy and to keep fat gain at bay.
Microcycle 2 is day 5,6 and 7 , those will be your hypertrophy days where we will be using some muscle gaining techniques and getting some sick pumps.

Please , just don’t be angry at me if you got too big and now you need to throw away all of your clothes and buy new ones, just trying to help here.

Day 1 : Push Workout A

Barbell bench press
3 min
Incline dumbbell press
3 min
Standing military press
3 min
Close grip bench press
3 min

- Even though that the rest periods may seem very long you will need every last sec of them , because heavy lifting especially above 85% of your one rep max is quite taxing on your CNS aka your central nervous system which happen to need at least 2 min to recover , so even if you feel tempted to do your next set earlier don’t , just monitor your rest periods.
- Each week you will keep the weights the same but add one rep to each set , so the second week will be 4 sets of 5 reps instead of 4 sets of 4 reps. That is how you will get stronger , progressive overload dude, this shit is no secret , it is how everyone get stronger.

Day 2 : Pull Workout A

Weighted pull ups
3 min
Bent over barbell rows
3 min
Upright rows
3 min
Barbell curl
3 min

- If you cannot perform pull up then work on the lat pulldown machine and pick a weight that allow you to finish exactly 4 reps no more no less
-On the barbell curl exercise I prefer to use the straight bar but feel free to use the ez bar if you have wrist pain.
- Each week you will keep the weights the same but add one rep to each set , so the second week will be 4 sets of 5 reps instead of 4 sets of 4 reps.

Day 3: Leg Workout 1

Barbell front squat
3 min
3 min
Leg press
2 min
Stiff leg deadlifts
2 min 

-You may notice that you will be doing more reps in both leg pres and the stiff leg deadlift and that is because that the barbell squat and deadlift will considerably fatigue your legs and you may not be able to handle extra high intensities so we will work in the 6-8 reps range which still in the range of strength improvement.
- Each week you will keep the weights the same but add one rep to each set , so the second week will be 4 sets of 5 reps instead of 4 sets of 4 reps.

Day 4 : HIIT Optional

I cannot tell you if you should workout or rest today , it is up to you , go by what you feel , feeling a little drained and tired  then take a rest today and do your cardio after you finish microcycle 2, but if you feel like doing it then here is what I recommend:

1-Sled pushes:

definitely my favourite option because on this exercise there is only an concentric portion without the eccentric part of the rep where you need to absorb the force which make it less taxing on your CNS.
Do 4-8 sets of 30m pushes

2-Sprints or cycling sprints:

 it is the true that you just hitted legs yesterday and you should avoid any leg intensive work , but what I have found through my personal experience and bunch of my clients that doing few sprints might enhance the recovery process by improving blood flow to the legs.
Do 4-8 sets of  15-30 sec all out sprints

Day 5: Push Workout B

-Incline dumbbell flyes
Superset with
incline dumbbell press

90 sec
-side lateral raises

Superset with
Arnold press

90 sec
Triceps extension
45 sec
Skull crushers*
45 sec

*: perform a triple drop set in your last set , which means you will finish your reps for the set then immediately remove 20% of the weight and perform as many reps as you can (no less than 6 if possible)  then again remove 20% of the new weight and do as many reps as you can 
, and guess what you will do it one more time to trash those triceps and get them to grow.

Day 6: Pull Workout B

Bent over barbell row
60 sec
Lat puldown
60 sec
Straight lat pulldown*
60 sec
 Reverse flyes

Superset with reverse pec deck


60 sec
Hammer curls
45 sec
Preacher curl**
45 sec

*: perform a triple drop set in your last set , which means you will finish your reps for the set then immediately remove 20% of the weight and perform as many reps as you can (no less than 6 if possible)  then again remove 20% of the new weight and do as many reps as you can, and do it one more time.
**: perform a rest pause on your last set , which mean that you will finish your reps for the set then you will rest for 10-15 sec and try to perform as many reps as you can with a good form , rest for another 10-15 sec and repeat. Your biceps will be annihilated and you will have a sick pump.

Day 7: Leg Workout B

Front squats

Superset with
 leg extensions


90 sec
Leg curls

Superset with dumbbell Romanian deadlift


90 sec
Walking lunges
60 sec
Standing calf raises
30 sec

Day 8 : HIIT Optional

I cannot tell you if you should workout or rest today , it is up to you , go by what you feel , feeling a little drained and tired  then take a rest today and do your cardio after you finish microcycle 2, but if you feel like doing it then here is what I recommend:

1-Sled pushes:

definitely my favourite option because on this exercise there is only an eccentric portion without the eccentric part of the rep where you need to absorb the force which make it less taxing on your CNS.
Do 4-8 sets of 30m pushes

2-Sprints or cycling sprints:

 it is the true that you just hitted legs yesterday and you should avoid any leg intensive work , but what I have found through my personal experience and bunch of my clients that doing few sprints might enhance the recovery process by improving blood flow to the legs.
Do 4-8 sets of  15-30 sec all out sprints.

There you have it guys , now it is time to go and make some gains.